Friday, July 13, 2012

Hasn't hit me yet

Although I have spent countless amounts of hours and double shifts working as a waitress at the Seaport Grille to achieve my goal of $6,000, it still has not hit me that I am going to be in Europe for four months. I still feel as if I am going back to HPU, living in the UC, and picking up right where I left off in the spring. Maybe once I start booking flights to go places and making concrete plans about where I'm going it will finally click that I will actually be there, but I'm just waiting for that day to come. I am going to miss HPU and all of my friends and ZTA sisters while i'm gone though, especially delta. It's going to be a little disappointing knowing that I am going to be missing out on Halloween, the beginning of my junior year, Greek Week, balloon release, and especially derby day, but hey I don't think I would ever, or could ever pass up a once in a lifetime opportunity to study abroad in Oxford. I cannot wait to see the Buckingham Palace, Paris, Ireland, Germany, Italy, Spain! Be able to experience Oktoberfest, getting used to driving on the "wrong" side of the road, calling the bathroom the "leu" (or however you spell it), and having the opportunity to experience Europe and all it has to offer through the eyes of a true Oxford Brookes student rather than some tourist carrying around a fanny pack and a camera. I'm looking forward to experiencing how different college is over there, and to compare it to the United States, maybe they'll give us and iPads too and have kiosks on our way to class too! (doubt it) #onlyatHPU Missing you all at HPU already <3